The 2019 Wuhan outbreak could be a “jugalbandi” between the bacteria Prevotella and the Wuhan coronovirus

OSF-pre-print here: Prevotella is present in huge amounts in patients from both China and Hong Kong.

Here is the reasoning behind it:

  1. They are present in two different families – so this must be prevalent, (unless they knew each other, which is unlikely.
  2. The protein expressed the most is known for immune evasion and tissue invasion.
  3. Prevotella is associated with pneumonia.
  4. This jugalbandi (post viral infection) is also known.

This is an hypothesis – falsifiable. People should be checking their sequencing data for this bacteria. Its a 1 min job for any bioinformatic person.

Maybe the mortality is high since we are working on anti-virals – we need to provide the correct antibiotic. This is not of the bacteria checked in the Lancet study


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